Hej hej!
Det är svårt att komma på ett bra namn på en blogg fan.
Smile, Billa! Smile!
You Know You're Obsessed With Tokio Hotel When..
• You would not be like Les afghans on tour (stupid psychos...-.-'')
• You know all the band members full names
• You know that Tom is not a pervert , he’s just Tom.
• You know that Tom is 10 minutes older than Bill
• You know who Saki is
• You know what “R,S,G” is without thinking
• If you hate it when people Photoshop “Twincest” pictures (ugh)
• You randomly speak German
• You know who Jumbie is (Jumbie ♥ :D)
• You say “Danke Brauni” when the persons name is not Brauni
• Its hard to choose your favorite band member (impossible)
• You watch THTV every wednesday (gjorde... -.-)
• Saying “sexy” is just to plain , you have to say “Sexy Hexy” (Sexy hexy... sexy sexy...)
• You have seen Tom sing “Sweet home Alabama”
• If someone says “ Bill, Tom,Georg or Gustav” your thoughts immediately go to Tokio Hotel
• You think Gustav isn't quiet, just thinking about life.
• When Gustav does talk, its amazing (!)
• You know how the name “Tokio Hotel” was established (de har bara sagt det i en driljon intervjuver or so)
• You know that in German Tokyo is actually spelt with an “I”
• If you have been to a concert, it was the best moment in your life.
• you love Bill’s dancing no matter what people say. (bwaha, gotta love it :D)
• You know the Star Search story
• You know that every one in the band has amazing hair including Gustav’s hat
• Watching Tokio Hotel videos on YouTube is the best part of your day
• Its hard to imagine what it would be like if you didn’t discover Tokio Hotel, in fact you don’t want to think about it
• You know that Tom has over 70 caps
• You love all of them unconditionally (gosh, I'm such a fangirl. Hehe.)
• You know that Georg’s hair always has to be perfect
• You have a wall in your room dedicated to them
• You know that GEORG is not George
• You know it’s “Euhm…” and not “umm….”
• You now love everything German
• You know the twins cant cook but can make “sauce” (och spaghetti... haha)
• You randomly laugh when you think of the funny things the boys have said
• You have cried or almost cried to a Tokio hotel song
• When watching “spring nicht” you beg Bill not to jump (I was like "BILL NOOOOOOOO!")
• You love male Tokio Hotel fans
• You’re totally convinced Tokio hotel is made up of some kind of gods
• You LOVE Bill’s Goldene kamera speech (så jävla bra)
• Everything is a Monsoon. Even if its only windy
• You can recognize Bill’s voice anywhere and in any language
•You follow the guy’s advice on food (jag har provat iallafall. Eller en grej Bill sa följer jag stenhårt. "Liebe kinder", hehe)
• You find it annoying when interviewers ask the same questions.
• You have heard those questions so many times you could answer them the same way the guys would
• When they smile you can’t help but to smile too
• When you try and do homework you get side tracked with Tokio Hotel stuff (som nu...)
• You can differentiate between Georg & Tom's voices when they sing.
• You know that even though Tom cuts small slices of cake, he's "the master of cutting"
• If you had to buy Georg toilette paper, it would be Charmin Extra Strong
• You know/wonder how they made the "Rette Mich" music video
• You know that Bill is allergic to apples and mosquito’s
•Tom's abs=Life
• you add/accept facebook requests from TH fans all over the world.
• You’re jealous of the people that get to go to Germany..
• You now watch Scrubs or Prison Break. ("Ja, Scrubs. Ich liebe Scrubs. Ich liebe, liebe Scrubs")
• You complain due to the lack of TH stuff in you’re country/city. (ja, whattheheck)
• You wish you could have been there when the twins put out the candles... Mehr lesen, just to say "Happy birthday"
• You can no longer look at plums with a straight face, thanks to Tom and his wise words of wisdom. (haha :D)
• you know that K2+G2= Tokio Hotel
• And that B.K+T.K+G.S+G.L = T.H
•You freaked out when you heard THTV was going on break, and you had nothing to do on Wednesdays (effing hell. Börja med det igen -.-)
•You dance like Gustav (nja... more like Bill ;D)
•You want to sponsor Georg (okej xD)
•If you where in a race with Tom you wouldn’t let him win... well maybe you would
•You don’t even notice when they speak English incorrectly and if you do you thinks its cute.
•When you’re on a plane or on the road you sing the rhythm on “Ich Brech Aus” (DALLE DALLE DALLE)
•You’ve seen or want to see City of Angels, Meet Joe Black or Hot Shots (glöm inte The Notebook ;D)
•You think Bill looks fine without makeup (he looks amayzing without makeup)
•You hate it when Bill disses himself
•Small thinks like Febreze and Skittles reminds you of them
• you know how Tom really got that scar on his cheek
Kopierat från en facebook-grupp. Som heter likadant som min rubrik ;)
Söta britter ♥
Tänkte bara berätta att jag fått en ny... vad ska jag säga... eh...
Jag älskar Alex Day's videor på Youtube (nerimon), och vet ni en sak som är väldigt bra med Alex Day (förutom att han är söt, laddar upp roliga videor och låtar (Pokemon, what happened to you?) (kan man verkligen ha såna här... jag har glömt vad det heter... C-liknande grejer i varandra liksom? Kan man inte det så scheissegal, jag har det ändå), han är brittisk, han är nördig och verkar vara snäll osv osv osv)? Han har två minst lika söta brittiska kompisar som laddar upp roliga videor och låtar!
Vi börjar med charlieissocoollike. Charlie McDonnell. Han är så söööt! Och rödhårig (han fägar det i en video)! Hans videor är roliga, hans låtar likaså.
Och så har vi hexachordal! Tom Milsom. Han är typ min dreamguy, haha. Alla tre är mina dreamguys typ. Tom är så SÖT!! *dör*
KNIFE! (Tom)
Charlieissocoollike. Dying his hair red.
Alex & Tom. Singing about eyelashes.
He wants you too, Malachai!
The Kaulitz twins ♥
Tokio Hotel puts a smile on my face
You go Bill
Tokio Hotel in asia!
Lyssnar på en radio intervju nu och intervjuvaren är värsta söt. Hon lärde dem nåt på kinesiska, och hon typ THATS REALLY GOOOD!!!
Bwaha. :D
Förlåt mig. Men jag måste få vara löjligt glad nu.
Tänk vad coolt om de skulle uppträda i Tokyo (det måste hända NÅGON gång)! Tokio Hotel i Tokyo. Fään vä coolt!
Och dem har värsta många fansen i Asia (jag gillar att säga Asia, bwaha)! Yeay! Och det var jättemånga killar på konserten. Typ häflten killar hälften tjejer! Vad tycker vi om det? Jo vi tyckler att det är gött!
Hehe :D
Billie Joe Armstrong
Söndag. Mm. Tråkig skitdag. Men inte just denna söndagen av någon anledning. Den var rätt trevlig.
Thumbs up för det!
Oh. Såg på Donnie Darko igår, någon mer som gjorde det? Alla som gjorde det skriker tuppenja!
Krm. Det är lugnt min favoritfilm. Den är helt underbar (och väldigt obehaglig). Sjukt bra. Helt AWESOME är den. Se den, och om du redan sett den, se den igen.